Signed the "Memorandum of working agreement" between the University of Trieste and the Multinational CIMIC Group

Trieste, 13 December 2017.

This morning, the Memorandum of working agreement was signed between the University of Trieste and the multinational CIMIC Group (MNCG) – a unit of the Army with joint and multinational valence – for collaboration and mutual support in research and training activities.

In particular, the memorandum of understanding allows develop of close cooperation, in which the experiences and capacities of the parties will be converged, with the aim of increasing training, development and research in the specific area of cooperation Civilian-military.

The signatures placed by Colonel Francesco Greco, Commander of the multinational CIMIC Group, and by Prof. Maurizio Fermeglia, Rector Magnificusof the University of Trieste, has signed the agreement so that both institutions can implement their own activities thanks to the mutual support which will consist in the exchange of experts and trainers and in the sharing of the experience acquired in their respective sectors.

Prof. Maurizio Fermeglia, in the presence of a delegation of the Multinational CIMIC Group and the university itself which also organized the event, wanted to underline that it has adhered with the utmost enthusiasm to this initiative conscious of the fact that the Global problems, now more than ever, require a multidimensional approach and civil-military cooperation is the way that allows us to reach possible solutions through a transversal analysis of the challenges of our century.

The unit which includes among the contributing nations, beyond Italy, Hungary, Greece, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia is the only CIMIC operating unit which can support NATO with assets but alsonational contingents as part of a Global approach for the prevention and management of any type of crisis.

The operators of the Multinational CIMIC Group are currently deployed in international operations in Kosovo, Lebanon, Somalia, Djibouti, Afghanistan and the Mediterranean (SophiaOperation) as well as and in National homeland security operation (Safe Streets Operation).

 Source:  Multinational CIMIC Group


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