8. mentor durante  de briefing


Multinational CIMIC Group specialists are ready to take over the personnel of the civil-military cooperation cells in international missions

Motta di Livenza, June, 17th 2022
From 13th to 17th June, the CIMIC Mission Specific Preparation Course took place at the Mario Fiore Barracks in Motta di Livenza, Multinational CIMIC Group headquarters, a training activity in favour of personnel who is going to be deployed soon in operational scenarios, ranging from the Horn of Africa till Lebanon.
The aim of the course was to refine the preparation of the civil-military cooperation operators and also of the staff of other Brigades who will hold positions related to the CIMIC operational function, with particular reference to the technical-tactical procedures of each mission and area of operation, in consideration of the different contexts of employment in the UN, EU, NATO environments too.
The course provided the specific and essential elements to be able to operate successfully in different cultural / operational contexts: lessons on the planning and conducting CIMIC activities and lectures on the international operations mandates were the focus of the training program. The latter, in fact, was developed thanks to the lessons identified and learned by the various contingents and each lesson was held by an operator who had recently come back from missions or by operators currently deployed in missions through VTC. So these operators performed the function of Mentors in order to guide and prepare the staff sharing his experience and best practices.
This activity is carried out cyclically by the Italian CIMIC Battalion operators, led by Lt. Col. Nicola Dell'Anno, and allows the harmonic HOTO of personnel operating in the field of civil-military cooperation.

SOURCE: Multinational CIMIC Group


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