Djibouti: Donation ceremony of a hospital medical machinery Dar El Hanan

A Donation Ceremony has taken place at the "Dar El Hanan" Pediatric Hospital for a medical machine, the "Babylog 8000 plus Drager", a milestone in neonatal respiratory assistance, in the presence of the Commander of the Italian Military Support Base in Djibouti (MBSIS), Col. Lorenzo Guani, and of the Directress of the hospital, Ms. Sahra Moussa Bouh.

The activity, planned and carried out by the specialists of the Civil Military Cooperation Cell (CIMIC) coming from the Multinational CIMIC Group (Italian Army Unit) in support of the "Civil Environment Essential Support - health sector" Area, has aimed at providing support to improve the care of young patients through the donation of equipment capable of guaranteeing very high standards for the care of children with respiratory problems.

The Hospital is considered the National Center of reference in Djibouti in assisting pregnant women and for the provision of specialized health care, with a capacity of about 110 beds and the ability to assist about 8000 births a year.

The Directress has greatly appreciated and thanked the Commander for the donation, as well as for the precious and constant collaboration provided wishing, in the context of the forty years of cooperation between Italy and Djibouti, other activities in favor of the hospital.


Source:  Italian Defence General Staff Website


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